Projecting a future (that is NOW) of self-managed pockets of small farming communities coming together, we are looking for farmers to become part of the yearly cycle of seeding, growing, harvesting in the Catskills. We promote seed conservation, diverse crops (including ‘native’ and heirloom varieties), fungal propagation, and sharing of harvests and knowledge.
In 2020, we initiated the FARM for the FUTURE (F3) program. Based on the concept of an “allotment” which allocates a plot of land for cultivation, CycleX seeks emergent or established farmers, individuals and/or collectives, to pursue innovative hybrid, permaculture, regenerative, organic small-scale farming.
Given free use of a lot of 1 or 2 or 3 acres, farmers are encouraged to grow unusual and diverse plants/crops/fungi from other countries or cultures. We offer the land as experimental ground to landless farmers especially immigrants, women, veterans, folks of color, and people with limited land access or financial resources who wish to deploy sustainable farming practices. Selected farmers will be given a 2 to 3 year tenure, with the expectation that they will emerge from F3 to apply what they’ve learned and return the allotment to other farmers for ensuing growing cycles.
The land is a fallow dairy farm, most of the pastures have been untouched for several decades, largely surrounded by NYC land acquired to protect water quality in the watershed. Where ag and permaculture/mycology projects have taken place over that last twelve years, We have experimented with natural/organic processes and have not allowed any GMO or bioengineered organisms onto the land. We use only manual methods to eradicate invasive species.
The growing cycle (seeding to harvesting) in the Catskills region of upstate New York usually lasts from April to October, although farmers are encouraged to engage in soil improvement efforts such as cover cropping the prior autumn. We also offer use of basic tools and in some cases materials, as well as technical advice from our site manager who is familiar with the farm, its history and farming practices in the region.
For an F3 resident application, please send a brief proposal, bio, work sample (links) to now@cyclex.info